Liễu Trần


li?u is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice and output shuttles between the digital and physical, cross-medium and interdisciplinary, noetic and instinctive, inner and outer, and deems herself the primary material for making art. Her themes are therefore filled with diversity and pure hypothesis. The metaphorical title of Li?u’s first institutional exhibitions’ series of artwork, “Different Kinds of Highs”, introduces the artist’ weltanschauung that posits freedom and autonomy as the basis of human dignity. Her interpretation of highs stems from her belief in the distinctive upshots of two courses of action that each person adopts during the crisis of their life. She further developed them as “Vittorio Zecchin glass” with malleability or frangibility, which reveals her penchant for paintings by Willem De Kooning and Oskar Schlemmer. disciplinary, noetic and instinctive, inner and outer, deems herself the primary material for making art. Her themes are therefore filled with diversity and pure hypothesis.

