I studied drawing and painting at Glasgow School of art under the tutelage of "Jimmy" Robertson who's work I greatly admired. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by fantastic painters who's work I drew from and identified with. To this day I am still in touch and heavily influenced by some of these artists.As well as art I was also into the punk and travelling scene and these three things would unknowingly at the time map out my life.
After 6 years at the GSA and in Glasgow I felt it time to go out into the world and see what was out there.
There was no plan. Only to keep going forward.
This led to a pivotal point in my life. There really are only a few and this was probably one of the most important. I met up with The Mutoid Waste Co. In Berlin. This was what I'd been looking for. People, artists that I could identify with that combined all three of my loves. ART,PUNK, TRAVELLING. So was set my path.
Eventually leading back to Glasgow. All roads do..right?